Kitou Yukinari is an ordinary high school boy. However, while playing a game of pocket pool one day, he suddenly felt as if he was passing a kidney stone. But this kidney stone was shiny and pink?A trip to the hospital shows that Yukinari has a medic
Miyahara Chiko is a mysterious girl who never seems to talk to anyone and always wears a pair of headphones and a scarf. But what is she hiding behind that silent facade?
Vol.5 Chapter 38: Forever be a high school girl [END]
From Fairgame: In both middle school and high school, Kawashima hadn't had any luck with girls, but this is a day that a miracle encounter came to him! Apartment where he moved, there were a high school girl living in his neighbor and in addition to
The world is on the brink of collapse due to the zombie threat. Meanwhile, I'm living the most thrilling and tantalizing days of my life! A high school boy who loves shogi and gaming discovers a mysterious power he possesses for the first time in thi
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